At the explicit XXX site, FTVX, members will get full access to exactly what they have been asking the creators of the mother site, FTV Girls, for. And what they asked for was the same type of gorgeous amateur models, but who engage in delicious hardcore fuck scenes. The FTV team delivered and the action at FTVX is smoking-hot naughty delicious erotic fun.
Members will soon get to witness and experience first-timers in passionate, girlfriend-type scenes with a sweet infusion of hardcore, but the intimacy between the models and their counterparts is maintained throughout. All the action here is shot in stellar 4K UHD for a crystal clear experience as the models are experiencing their first time on camera in a porn scene. Though the site has not yet launched, you will want to get in on the hot action as early as possible. The creators have been hard at work to bring their devoted members exactly what they want to see. Grab your membership with this link and join in on the anticipation excitement while also getting an FTVX discount for up to 67% off.